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Sopami Car Coating Spray,Sopami Quick Effect Coating Agent,Sopami Quickly Coat Car Wax,Sopami Car Scratch Wax Polish Spray Waterless Wash,Sopami Oil Film Emulsion Glass Cleaner (1PC+Sponge+Cloth)

About this item

  • [Sopami Quick Effect Coating Agent] Sopami Ceramic Coating for Cars is a true delight for car owners! Benefiting from advanced nanotechnology formulations, it effortlessly keeps vehicles clean, shiny,and preserves their beauty for the long haul. Say goodbye to time-consuming car washes and hello to effortlessly restoring your car’s original shine.
  • [Sopami Car Wax Coating Spray] Experience the power of 3 in 1 High Protection Quick Nano Ceramic Car Coating Agent Spray. It not only repairs unwanted scratches,scuffs,and swirls but also restores the shine and luster of your car. This magic spray makes your car oil-proof,hydrophobic,and scratch-resistant for comprehensive protection.
  • [Long-Lasting Results] By reducing water adhesion to your car’s paint, our Quick Coat Car Wax Polish Spray minimizes the chances of water spots and damage, ensuring your vehicle looks brand new for years to come.
  • [Protects Car Paint] Our special formula ensures the protection of your car paint. It forms a protective coating that lasts for months, providing long-lasting shine. The Nano Car Scratch Repair Spray is suitable for all colors of plastic and rubber.
  • [Multiple Uses] This long-lasting and extremely durable product is designed for vehicles and other solid surfaces that demand superior shine and protection. The Multi-functional Coating Renewal Agent is safe for all surfaces on automobiles,boats,motorcycles,four-wheelers, paint, plastic, glass,and more. Say hello to a world of protection and shine!

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Original price was: $30.00.Current price is: $24.99.

Note: The price is accurate as of the time of posting, but Amazon’s prices are always changing, so make sure to check the price shown on Amazon when you are checking out, as that will be the price you are charged!